Shimelba Refugee Camp

Shimelba Refugee Camp

Tigray Region Shimelba Refugee Camp Foster care placements and improving the quality of family based care. —92 (64 F) potential foster families have trained for a total of three months on better parenting skills through coffee corner discussions. —As a result the...
Endabaguna Registration and Transit Center

Endabaguna Registration and Transit Center

Endabaguna Registration and Transit Center —IHS provided information for 7,905 (2833 F) new arrival children about the benefits of family based care and the disadvantage of group care through the existing emergency education, peer to peer education and structured...
Safer Child for Orphan and Vulnerable Children Project

Safer Child for Orphan and Vulnerable Children Project

Bahir Dar Special Zone of Amhara Region, Ethiopia Safer Child for Orphan and Vulnerable Children Project Individuals and NGOs have tried to help these orphaned and vulnerable children but in most cases they are overwhelmed by the needs and problems related to meeting...