Bahir Dar Special Zone of Amhara Region, Ethiopia

Safer Child for Orphan and Vulnerable Children Project

Individuals and NGOs have tried to help these orphaned and vulnerable children but in most cases they are overwhelmed by the needs and problems related to meeting these needs. Consequently, children become the responsibility of relatives who already are struggling to meet the needs of their immediate family. A few are left with their grandparents who are aged and do not have the ability to help.

In the end, when NGOs and relatives cannot help, the orphans and vulnerable children suffer even more from lack of education, food and medical care. As a result, the number of street kids is continuously increasing. Likewise, the number of child domestic labourers has increased. To make matters worse, the number of those involved in prostitution is also increasing. We are here to contribute for the development of those disadvantaged sections of the community. Thus for the year 2014/15, IHS has designed a one year pilot project entitled “Educational and Psycho Social Support” to provide educational material and psycho social support for 100 orphans and vulnerable school-aged children with the following specific objectives:

  • To provide educational supplies, tutorial support and follow up to improve the attendance of 100 OVC during 2007 EC academic year.
  • To provide psycho social support for needy 20 OVC for one year.
  • To improve the livelihood 20 older HVC and 20 household (40 orphan and HVC through economic strengthening activities.
  • Build the capacity of selected schools and school communities by providing books and orientation on handling issues of orphan and HVC.