Tigray Region

Shimelba Refugee Camp

Foster care placements and improving the quality of family based care.

—92 (64 F) potential foster families have trained for a total of three months on better parenting skills through coffee corner discussions.
—As a result the attitudes and behaviors of caregivers towards child care improved /changed.

—The confidence of caregivers in their parenting skill is built  and the quality of care deliverability of children improved.

—We have also facilitated and reunified 270 (57F) UASC in a family based care arrangement from Endabaguna  transit center.
—IHS identified and registered 34potential foster families and we were facilitated the placement of 11 (F1) children in foster care arrangement.

—IHS enhanced the capacity of 11 (5 F) social workers on areas of foster care arrangement and value of family based care.

We provided nine days advanced informed psychosocial training for 35 national and refugee child protection staff.

We have also provided Training of trainers on better parenting skill  for 28 (12F) social workers and 12(4F) child welfare committee members.